In Green Lantern Corps #53-57, written by Tony Bedard and drawn by Tyler Kirkham, our heroes in the intergalactic police force (Green Lantern Corps) signed a truce with Sinestro’s aptly named Sinestro Corps, Bigger fish to fry than rainbow laser fights, I guess. Plus Green Lantern art takes forever to look at anyway, when each page crowds dozens of dudes flying and zapping. So when I decide on a story I want to cover and I end up with thirty five-ish images, I figure no harm in breaking that up - you have TVs to sell or math worksheets to complete or Facebook birthdays to congratulate. Apparently you all have jobs or classes or something. I know two parters can seem lazy, but I learned about a hundred articles back that people don’t really have the time nor desire to read a thousand words and forty images. Weaponer, Pt. 1 Posted: | Author: Jason Levine | Filed under: Characters, DC | Leave a comment